Sales & Revenue

Sales & Revenue Report

The Sales & Revenue report is the most important report in Swift, showing you a comprehensive view of the revenue flowing through your business.

You can visit the Sales & Revenue report by navigating to Reports > Sales & Revenue (opens in a new tab) in the Swift Admin Dashboard.

When to Use the Sales & Revenue Report

This report is essential to understanding the cash flow of your business. It's a great way to understand what's working well vs. what isn't, and how to adjust your business going forward to improve profitability

It'll help you answer questions like

  • What % of my revenue comes from camps vs. lessons?
  • Which lesson is my most profitable offering?
  • Should I continue offering a membership with unlimited rentals?
  • Which customer is spending a lot of money at my facility?

Once you run the report, you'll see a summary view with all the essential metrics. Below the fold, you'll see a detailed transaction log that includes every payment & billing row that's been created in the system.

Filtering Report Data

There are various filters included to help you slice and analyze the data further. You can filter the report for:

  • Customer: Figure out which customers are spending the most at your business
  • Staff: Filter for revenue on bookings tied to specific staff members or instructors
  • Service Types: You can filter the view to only show revenue related to "Lessons" or "Classes" for example.
  • Services: Use this to filter the view for a specific lesson (ex: "only show me revenue from the Hitting Lesson in the last 30 days")
  • Date Range: Here, you can choose the time window of data to consider. You can choose from our pre-filled options, or select a custom time range.

The data is inclusive of the custom time range, so it'll include data from the beginning and end of the range.

When you're ready, just click "Run" to see the output!

Showing & Hiding columns

To show/hide specific columns in the resulting data, you can click the "Columns" icon above the table.

This will allow you to toggle the visibility of certain columns, ensuring your view is tailored to what you're looking for.

Exporting the Report

To export the resulting data, you can click the "Export" icon above the table. This will allow you to Download the data as a .csv file, or print it for reference.

Export to Quickbooks, Xero, or other tax software

You can also easily use the export option above, to export the data as a spreadsheet, and then upload that spreadsheet into Quickbooks, Xero, or any other accounting software.