
Rooms are the physical spaces in your facility - cages, courts, turfs, fields, ice rinks, lanes, meeting rooms, parent lounges, etc.

You can visit the Rooms page by navigating to Settings > Rooms (opens in a new tab) in the Swift Admin Dashboard.

How It Works

Rooms represent the spaces in your facility, and ideally they correspond 1:1 with the locations that you think about in your business.

When you first setup your account, you'll work with your Onboarding Manager to help work through the process of adding all the rooms in your business.

Generally, this is a page that you'll rarely update going forward unless your facility is physically expanding & growing as time goes on.

Creating A Room

To create a new room, click the "+ New" button on the top right.

There, you'll have the option to enter a few items:

  • Room Name: The name of the room/space. This is internal, and not customer facing. It'll dictate how that space appears on the calendar, and is for your own team only
  • Schedule: The schedule of the room dictates when it's open & closed for online booking. Please visit the Schedules page to learn more.
  • Hierarchy: The most important attribute of rooms is that rooms can be nested. This is so important that it deserves it's own explainer.

Room Hierarchy Explained

Often in sports facilities, spaces are flexible and can have multiple uses.

For example:

  • A set of individual cages might also be retractable, and open up into a full turf that can also be rented out
  • A soccer field can be subdivided into halves or quarters, available for rental for 5v5 pickup soccer
  • A basketball court can also function as a volleyball or pickleball court during off-peak hours
  • An ice rink might have multiple sheets. and can be subdivided for figure skating

To ensure that Swift can meet these flexible needs, we've designed our rooms (spaces) to be flexible as well!

When creating a room, you can "nest" it in other rooms, thereby creating a hierarchy. Taking the examples above for reference:

  • You can create a "Turf" room, and then create "Cage 1", "Cage 2", and "Cage 3" and put them "inside" the Turf
  • You can create a "Soccer Field" room, and then create "North Half" and "South Half" and put them "inside" the Soccer Field
  • etc.

This allows you to specify, at the right grain or level, what's being booked when you setup your rentals or lessons.

Editing A Room

To edit an existing schedule, just click on the room and update it's information. You will also be able to update it's spot in the hierarachy (this will also impact the Calendar view).

The changes will automatically take effect.

Deleting A Room

To delete a room, simply come to the room's page and click "Delete" on the bottom left.

You'll need to make sure the room doesn't have any existing bookings before trying to delete it. If you're unable to delete a room for this reason, please reach out to our Support team