Classes & Camps

Classes & Camps

Classes allow you to offer group instruction programs to your customers - where a coach or instructor runs sessions with multiple athletes. To offer private one-on-one sessions, check out the Lessons feature.

You can visit the Classes page by navigating to Services > Classes (opens in a new tab) in the Swift Admin Dashboard.

When to Use Classes

Classes in Swift are a great way to offer online booking & purchases for any kind of group programming. This includes, but isn't limited to:

  • Semi-private lessons or group training
  • Seasonal camps & programs
  • Drop-in style weekly clinics
  • Team events
  • Home schooling
  • and a lot more!

Basically, if your program includes the concept of "sessions" where a coach is working with multiple customers - the classes feature is likely the right fit.

To offer private one-on-one sessions, check out the Lessons feature.

View All Classes

To view the existing classes at your facility, just navigate to Services > Classes (opens in a new tab) in your Swift Admin Dashboard. There, you'll see a list of the different classes & camps offered at your facility. If you've never setup a class before, you should see a card that prompts you to create one.

Please note that by default, you will only see a list of classes that haven't started yet, or are currently ongoing. To view a list of finished classes, hit the "Show Completed" checkbox on the right.

Create A New Class

To create a new class, click on the "+ New" button on the top right. You will land on the "Add Class" form, which is what you'll need to fill in order to create the class.

Let's go through each of the items on this form step-by-step.


Here you can set a name for this class (ex: Summer Camp), as well as an optional description. Both of these fields are customer-facing, so make sure you set them accordingly.


Now you can assign instructors to this class. If you aren't sure who's going to teach this class yet, or don't want to assign any instructors, no problem! You can still create the class without any instructors.

Once you've decided to assign instructors, you can come back to edit the class and add the instructors then. An important note is that if you add instructors to a class through this page after creating the class, they still need to be added to the specific bookings (this is to prevent instructors from being added to old sessions unintentionally)


In this section, you will setup a few key details about how your class is run and how customers will be able to sign up for the sessions.

Let's go through the details.

Class Type

The type of the class dictates how many sessions a client will join when they purchase this class. This allows you to run different types of programming, while still having the flexibility to charge your customers the way you want.

The two types of classes are:

  1. Full (All Sessions)
  2. Drop-In Sessions
Full (All Sessions)

With full classes, customers pay once to register into all sessions. This is great for traditional camps (ex: summer camp, spring camp, etc.), where you'd want to charge customers a one-time fee for registration.

Drop-In Sessions

For clinics and other drop-in style programs, use the "Drop In" class type. With drop-in classes, you can charge a per sesson fee to customers.

This is perfect if you're running the occasional clinic, performance program, or "open" sessions (ex: Open BP, Hitting Drop-In, etc.) where clients can pay to register per-session.

With drop-in classes, clients will be able to choose which session they want to join when they book online.

Note: Once the class is created, it's "type" cannot be changed.

Participant Limits

Regardless of the type of class, you can set a limit on the maximum number of participants that a session can take.

This limit is inclusive, so if you set it to 10 participants - Swift will allow up to 10 clients to be able to join the sessions before they're considered "full" and unavailable for online booking.

Class Status

The status of the class indicates whether the class is available for online booking or not.

This is useful if you're looking to setup your programs for the upcoming season, but aren't ready to accept online bookings for it just yet (maybe you're still working out the details). In that case, you can create the Class and set the status to "Closed".

Once you're ready to accept bookings, just come back to this Class and change the status to "Open" to open it up to your customers.

Sign Up Deadline

If your class is ready for bookings, you'll also get the option to set a sign-up deadline. This is an optional step, but it might be useful in driving urgency to get your clients to sign up for camps or clinics before they begin. On the customers' side, they'll be able to see the sign-up deadline on your Classes page before they book.

If you don't want to set a signup deadline, you can just leave this section blank.

Timing & Location

In this section, we will create the actual sessions of this class.

Similar to creating bookings in the Calendar or availabilities, you can click "Add time" to add a set of sessions to the class.

Here, you'll be able to specify:

  1. Start Date: When the sessions begin (the specific date)
  2. Start & End Times: The exact timing of the sessions
  3. Repeats: Whether the session repeats, and if so - how often. If you set this to "Yes", you'll see a few options appear:
    • Frequency: How often the sessions repeat (daily, weekly, or custom)
    • End Type: How you want the sessions to end (after a specific number of occurrences, or on a specific date)
    • End Date: The exact date that the sessions stop repeating
  4. Rooms: The spaces or rooms which these sessions will occupy.

Once the above items are specified, the system will double check to make sure there are no conflicting bookings in the times & locations you've specified.

If there's no conflicts, you should see a "Booking time is available" message and you're all set!

Adding multiple times

For "drop-in" style classes, you may run the clinic multiple times in the year. In that case, you can just come back to the created Class, and click "Add another time" to open up another set of sessions for the class.

Please note that "full" style classes cannot have multiple times added to them. To "re-run" a full class, please duplicate the class and create a new one.


Here, we can set prices for this class to specify how much clients should pay to register. The exact pricing will depend on the class type chosen earlier.

Full Classes

For full classes, you can set a single rate for a specific membership group. Since there's only a one-time fee for registration, pricing is pretty easy for full classes.

For example, you may want the "Public (Non Members)" group to pay $250 for a Summer Camp and the "Premium Members" group to pay $100.

In that case, just enter $250 in the "Price" field, and assign it to the "Public (Non Members)" group. Then, click "Add another price". Now you can enter "$100" in the "Price" field, and assign this price to the "Premium Members" group.

Drop-In Classes

For drop-in sessions, you can actually set variable pricing similar to Rentals - but instead of varying prices based on duration, you can vary it based on the number of sessions picked.

Similar to Rentals, there are two "price types" that you can use:

  1. Unit Pricing
  2. Volume Pricing

Let's explain each with examples.

Unit Pricing

Select this option if you charge flat prices for a set number of sessions.

For example, $200 for 4 sessions or $300 for 8.

Swift will automatically show the correct price depending on the session duration. It's worth noting that with unit pricing, customers will not be able to pick any quantities outside of the ones that you've setup prices for. In the example above, a customer would not be able to select 1 or 2 sessions only.

Volume Pricing

Select this option if you charge variable prices for ranges of sessions.

For example, $50/session for 1 to 3 sessions, and $40/session for 4+ sessions. In this case, Swift will automatically show the correct price depending on the sessions a client picks. In the example above, if they pick a 3 sessions, they would pay $150 ($50 x 3 sessions). But if they picked a 4 sessions, they would pay $160 ($40 x 4 sessions)

Classes Without Prices (Credit Only)

With this option, clients will need to redeem credits (either package or membership) in order to book these classes.

Advanced Settings

You are now ready to click "Save" and create this class! If you would like to setup some additional details, you can click the "Advanced Settings" toggle, and a new set of settings should appear below. These are all optional, and not necessary to create your class.

Tax Rates

Enable the "Collect tax" toggle to charge customers a pre-defined tax rate when they purchase this class. This will populate the correct tax amount on your booking page, as well as internally on the admin side of Swift when you charge customers.


If you don't have any tax rates created, visit the Tax Rates settings section to learn how to add them.

Time Slot Restrictions

Time slot restrictions allow you to set start and end limits on the slots that appear to clients on your booking page. This is useful if you want to do things like:

  • Not allow same-day bookings - in which case, you would set a "start" restriction of 1 day
  • Not allow bookings beyond 30 days in the future - in which case, you would set an "end" restriction of 30 days
  • Give members a longer "window" to book classes at your facility - you can give the Public (Non Members) an end window of 7 days, and give members an end window of 30 days.

For a deeper dive into how this setting works, visit the Time Slot Restrictions page.

Age Restrictions

If you offer classes for specific age groups, you can set restrictions in Swift so that only players of the expected ages can book the class.

If you setup an age restriction here, customers will be asked to specify their date of birth when booking. They will only be allowed to book if their age is within the limits you've chosen.

To enable age restrictions, just turn the toggle to "On". Then, you'll see the option to specify a "Minimum Age" and a "Maximum Age". It's worth noting that you can leave either end of the range blank if you don't want to set a limit (for example: "Ages 8 and up"). The ranges are also inclusive, so if the end range is 16, then 16-year olds will be allowed to book the class.

Additional Checkout Details

Here, you can choose to ask for "Emergency Contact info" or "T-shirt Size" when clients book the class online


By making this class private, only customers with a direct booking link to this class will be able to book it. It will be invisible to all other customers, and will not appear on your booking page.

Edit A Class

To edit a class, click into the specific class from the Services > Classes (opens in a new tab) page and you will be taken to the "Edit Class" form.

Here, you can edit any of the details mentioned above. Just remember to click "Save" at the bottom to apply your changes!

Duplicate An Existing Class

To make it easier to create multiple classes, you can click into an existing class on the Services > Classes (opens in a new tab) page, and then click the "bottom arrow" icon on the top right, beside the "Copy direct booking link" button.

You'll now be navigated to a new "Add Class" form, with all the details of the previous class filled in! The title will have the word "(Copy)" added to it, to indicate that this is a duplicated class.

Delete A Class

To delete a class, click into an existing class and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There, you'll see a "Delete" button on the bottom left.

This button may be disabled if you've already had existing bookings tied to this class. It may also be disabled if you don't have the permission to delete it (in which case, you should talk to the owner or someone with more access).

If the class does not have existing bookings, you can click Delete and hit "Confirm" on the modal that appears to remove this class. Remember, this action cannot be undone.


There are some additional things you can do with classes, which are explained below.

Direct Booking Links

Want to send a direct link to book a class to a customer? Perhaps you have a private clinic that only specific customers can book? Or you would like to add a button on your website that takes customers directly to this class?

This button does exactly that! On the top right of a class form, you should see the "Copy direct booking link" button. Click this, and a direct link to the class will be copied to your clipboard.

Booking Page Appearance

You may also want to control how the "Classes" category as a whole appears on the booking page. You may want to call it "Group Sessions" or "Programs" instead of the generic "Classes and Camps" shown on Swift. In that case, you can visit the Services > Classes (opens in a new tab) page in your admin dashboard, and click the "gear" icon on the top right.

You will now see a modal pop up, with a few options. Here, you can customize:

  • The title of the Classes category - you can call it "Group Training" for example
  • The description of the Classes category - you can add any additional context here

Once you hit Save, both of these changes will be immediately reflected on your booking page.