

Lessons allow you to offer one-on-one sessions with instructors or coaches at your facility. To offer semi-private or group sessions, check out the Classes & Camps feature.

You can visit the Lessons page by navigating to Services > Lessons (opens in a new tab) in the Swift Admin Dashboard.

When to Use Lessons

Lessons in Swift are perfect for offering private instruction or coaching to your customers. Essentially, these are one-on-one bookings between a coach and an athlete where they're typically learning or refining a skill.

To offer semi-private or group sessions, check out the Classes & Camps feature.

View All Lessons

To view the existing lessons at your facility, just navigate to Services > Lessons (opens in a new tab) in your Swift Admin Dashboard. There, you'll see a list of the different lessons offered at your facility.


If you've never setup a lesson before, you should see a card that prompts you to create one.


Create A New Lesson

To create a new lesson, click on the "+ New" button on the top right.


You will land on the "Add Lesson" form, which is what you'll need to fill in order to create the lesson.


Let's go through each of the items on this form step-by-step.


Here you can set a name for this lesson (ex: Hitting Lesson), as well as an optional description. Both of these fields are customer-facing, so make sure you set them accordingly.

We've often found that being as descriptive as possible can help with the customer experience with lessons. Consider whether lessons taught by different instructors have different price points, whether different instructors have lessons of different durations, etc.

An example of a strong title for a service would be 30-Minute Hitting Lesson - Coach Patrick. For customers viewing the lesson offerings, this makes it immediately clear what they are getting when they select this option.


Duration & Instructors

Now you can choose the duration of this lesson, as well as indicate which coaches or instructors can teach it.


Swift offers fixed durations for lessons, beginning with 15 minutes and stretching all the way up to 3 hours.


Multiple Durations for the Same Lesson

If you have multiple "types" of the same lesson with varying durations (for example: 30-Minute Hitting Lesson, 60-Minute Hitting Lesson, etc.), you will need to set up multiple lessons in Swift.

Don't worry though, you don't need to fill out the entire form each time. Just fill it out once for one of the variations (ex: 30-minutes), and once it's created, duplicate the lesson and just change its duration.

Choosing Coaches

You can create the lesson without any instructors if you aren't sure who will teach it yet. Once you've decided, you can come back to edit the lesson and add the instructors then.

Alternatively, if you have multiple coaches that are capable of teaching the same lesson at the same price point, and customers are not inclined to pick specific coaches, you can select all of them for one specific lesson.



It's worth noting that by selecting coaches here, your lesson will not immediately be bookable by customers. In this section, you are just indicating to Swift which coaches to consider when showing time slots to clients.

To allow customers to actually book this lesson, you also need to add availability for these coaches in matching rooms.

Learn more about how availability and our slot matching logic works here.

We recommend that you finish creating your lessons before you set up availability for each of your instructors. Once that is finished, we recommend using the customer point of view to ensure that your lessons are set up as required.


Now you will indicate which spaces (known as Rooms in Swift) will get blocked off when a customer books this lesson.

You will be able to select a room at any level in your facility hierarchy. This means that you can offer a lesson that occupies the entire facility (ex: "Fielding & Fitness Lesson") which would block off your entire facility (including all the spaces inside) when a customer books it online.

What if you want to allow multiple spaces to be booked at once? Or assign a specific lesson to any of 3 different spaces? That's where the "Reserve On Purchase" setting comes in.

Reserve On Purchase

This setting controls which rooms get blocked off if you've selected multiple rooms above. The two options are:

  1. Any Selected Room
  2. All Selected Rooms
Any Selected Room

This is the default behaviour. With "any selected room", Swift will auto-assign customers into ONE of the selected spaces above, depending on what's available. Customers will not be able to select a space themselves when booking lessons.

For example, if you offer a Hitting Lesson that can happen in any one of 3 cages at your facility, then you can select this option. By doing so, a customer will get auto-assigned into any one of the 3 cages based on the room + coach's availability.


All Selected Rooms

On this setting, Swift will reserve all selected rooms as long as they are all available.

For example, if you offer a "Court + Gym Team Lesson" where an instructor teaches an entire team by occupying both the weight room and the court, you can check the two spaces and select this option. By doing so, a customer will see time-slots where the coach AND both spaces are available, and will block them all off when they book.



In this section, you can decide exactly how much you want to charge customers for booking this lesson.

By default, your lesson will have no associated prices. In that case, it will only be bookable using credits (see Packages or Memberships for more context on how credits work).

To add a price, click "Add price".


Immediately, you'll be presented with the options to configure a price. This includes:

Price Value

The raw dollar amount that you want to charge for the lesson (ex: $30)


Applies To Membership Groups

This is the most important piece to any price. It controls which groups of customers can see & pay this price

By default, any price that is not assigned to a group of customers will not be visible by people in that group.

For example, if you'd like the public to pay $50 for a 60-minute lesson, you would:

  • Set the price to $50
  • Add the "Public (Non Members)" group to this "Applies to Membership Groups" dropdown


Membership Discounts

How would you give members a discount (or free) access to this lesson? By creating another price!

Click "Add another price", and:


  • Set the price to $15 (or the discounted price of your choice - it can also be free)
  • Add the specific membership group in the "Applies to Membership Groups" dropdown. Make sure the "Public (Non Members)" group is not present here.


This concept is so important, that it's worth stating twice.

Customers will only have access to prices and services that you've configured here. If the Public (Non Members) group does not have a price for this lesson, they will not be able to book it.

You can create as many prices as you'd like, as long as they are unique (target different membership groups). For a deeper breakdown on how prices work, visit the Services Pricing section.

Click "Save" to Finish the Lesson

The "Save" button can be found in the bottom right corner.


Advanced Settings

If you would like to setup some additional details, you can click the "Advanced Settings" toggle, and a new set of settings should appear below. These are all optional, and not necessary to create your lesson.

Tax Rates

Enable the "Collect tax" toggle to charge customers a pre-defined tax rate when they purchase this lesson. This will populate the correct tax amount on your booking page, as well as internally on the admin side of Swift when you charge customers.


If you don't have any tax rates created, visit the Tax Rates settings section to learn how to add them.

Time Slot Restrictions

Time slot restrictions allow you to set start and end limits on the slots that appear to clients on your booking page. This is useful if you want to do things like:

  • Not allow same-day bookings - in which case, you would set a "start" restriction of 1 day


  • Not allow bookings beyond 30 days in the future - in which case, you would set an "end" restriction of 30 days


  • Give members a longer "window" to book lessons at your facility - you can give the Public (Non Members) an end window of 7 days, and give members an end window of 30 days.


For a deeper dive into how this setting works, visit the Time Slot Restrictions page.

Age Restrictions

If you offer lessons for specific age groups, you can set restrictions in Swift so that only players of the expected ages can book the lesson.

If you setup an age restriction here, customers will be asked to specify their date of birth when booking. They will only be allowed to book if their age is within the limits you've chosen.

To enable age restrictions, just turn the toggle to "On". Then, you'll see the option to specify a "Minimum Age" and a "Maximum Age". It's worth noting that you can leave either end of the range blank if you don't want to set a limit (for example: "Ages 8 and up"). The ranges are also inclusive, so if the end range is 16, then 16-year olds will be allowed to book the lesson.


Additional Checkout Details

Here, you can choose to ask for "Emergency Contact info" from clients when they book this lesson online.



By making this lesson private, only customers with a direct booking link to this lesson will be able to book it. It will be invisible to all other customers, and will not appear on your booking page.


Edit A Lesson

To edit a lesson, click into the specific lesson from the Services > Lessons (opens in a new tab) page and you will be taken to the "Edit Lesson" form.


Here, you can edit any of the details mentioned above. Refer to the previous steps and images to ensure that your lesson is changed to exactly how you want it set up.

Just remember to click "Save" at the bottom to apply your changes!

Duplicate An Existing Lesson

Duplicating an existing lesson can make it easier to create multiple lessons with similar characteristics.

Click A Lesson

Click into the existing lesson on the Services > Lessons (opens in a new tab) page that you want to duplicate.


Click The "Bottom Arrow" Button

This button can be found in the top right, beside the "Copy direct booking link" button. It will open up additional options.


Click "Duplicate lesson"

This will be the second option that appears.


Complete The New Lesson Form

You'll now be navigated to a new "Add Lesson" form, with all the details of the previous lesson filled in!

The title will have the word "(Copy)" added to it, to indicate that this is a duplicated lesson. Don't forget to change that before completing your lesson setup!


Delete A Lesson

Click A Lesson

Click into the existing lesson that you want to delete and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

There, you'll see a "Delete" button on the bottom left.


Delete The Lesson

If the lesson does not have existing bookings, you can click Delete and hit "Confirm" on the modal that appears to remove this lesson. Remember, this action cannot be undone.


Please note that this button may be disabled if you've already had existing bookings tied to this lesson. It may also be disabled if you don't have the permission to delete it (in which case, you should talk to the owner or someone with more access).


There are some additional things you can do with lessons, which are explained below.

Direct Booking Links

Want to send a direct link to book a lesson to a customer? Perhaps you have a private lesson that only specific customers can book? Or you would like to add a button on your website that takes customers directly to this lesson?

This button does exactly that! On the top right of a lesson form, you should see the "Copy direct booking link" button. Click this, and a direct link to the lesson will be copied to your clipboard.


Booking Page Appearance

You may also want to control how the "Lessons" category as a whole appears on the booking page. You may want to call it "Private Sessions" or "1:1s" instead of the generic "Lessons" shown on Swift. In that case, you can visit the Services > Lessons (opens in a new tab) page in your admin dashboard, and click the "gear" icon on the top right.


You will now see a modal pop up, with a few options. Here, you can customize:

  • The title of the Lessons category - you can call it "Private Sessions" for example
  • The description of the Lessons category - you can add any additional context here


Once you hit Save, both of these changes will be immediately reflected on your booking page.